The story follows Luffy who aspires to become the king of the pirates. This classic Shonen anime first aired in 1999 and it’s still ongoing today. What is One Piece Treasure Cruise?Īnime is life for most and one of the most popular ones today is One Piece. If you’re a fan of One Piece, you’ll surely love One Piece Treasure Cruise! This popular RPG game from Bandai Namco Entertainment has over 5 million downloads in Google Play Store! In this game, you can play as your favorite characters such as Luffy, Zoro, Nami and more! Fight your way to the top and become king of the pirates! Read on below to learn more. And a lot of these fans would also love to play the characters they love in a mobile game! That’s why a lot of fans are willing to shell out cash to watch their favorite anime and to get some merch as well.
For some, watching anime is just a pastime but for others, it’s their culture. Anime has been around for decades now and they’ve helped a lot of people go through their childhood happily.